Timeline 1
A component with title, tag line, Portable Text and Motion.
Idea Validationv0.1
Validated SchemaUI concept within community, focusing on simple copy/paste implementation
First Hero Componentv0.2
Launched first component with zero-config setup - just copy, paste, and it works
Starter Template Releasev0.5
Released Next.js with Sanity starter template, making SchemaUI integration a 1-minute process
Custom Website Launchv1.0
Designed and built custom website for first customer using only copy/paste components, proving SchemaUI's rapid development capability
Component Library Growthtbd
Expanded to 20 ready-to-use components, each installable with a simple copy/paste
Community Recognitiontbd
SchemaUI went viral for its refreshingly simple approach - no complex setup, just copy and paste