Split Cards List
A component that displays a list of cards in a row in a two-column layout. In the example it's matched with Split Content. You can simply manage position of the content by changing the order of the blocks in the Split Row.
Getting Started
Installing the template
Follow these simple steps to install the template locally with command line
Step 1
Initialize template with Sanity CLI
Run the command in your Terminal to initialize this template on your local computer:
npm create sanity@latest -- --template serge-0v/next-js-sanity-starter
Step 2
Run the template locally
Start the development server:
pnpm dev
Step 3
Open the app and sign in to the Studio
- Open the Next.js app at http://localhost:3000
- Open the Studio running locally in your browser on http://localhost:3000/studio. You should now see a screen prompting you to log in to the Studio. Use the same service (Google, GitHub, or email) that you used when you logged in to the CLI.
Step 4
Import Sample Data (Optional)
Import the demo dataset to get started with sample content:
npx sanity dataset import sample-data.tar.gz production --replace